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SERCulator Magazine

Official Publication of SERC-NAHRO

SERCulator is the official quarterly publication of the Southeastern Regional Council of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (SERC-NAHRO).

The SERCulator team includes: SERCulator Editorial Staff from Brooks Jeffrey Marketing and SERCulator Contributing Editors from all ten states within the SERC-NAHRO area.

Comments, suggestions, articles, features and photographs are solicited in interest of the members of SERC-NAHRO. Although all submissions are subject to approval and editing, every effort will be made to publish submissions based on available space. Photos cannot be returned.

SERCulator encourages online content submissions for: State Bits & Pieces News, Officer Bios, Advertising Sales, and more. For general inquiries, please use our contact form. If your inquiry is for a specific issue, please note that with your submission.

United States map highlighting all areas that SERC-NAHRO serves. Those areas are: Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, and Kentucky.